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Tag Archives: Wine

DDTC Memories from March Break

You may remember my trip to Sonoma a few years ago (Redwoods, wine and convicts).  This year we went to the Mayan Riveria (more on that in a different post) and just got back in time to open a bottle from the cellar and make sure we did not miss a week in our Drinking Down the Cellar challenge.  The wine we choose one from that Sonoma trip, Il Cuore, the Heart Barbera 2009. We opened it and then went to diner so that it could breathe.


Trying to get light through it to show the gorgeous dark red of the wine.


It had a deep ruby colour that was almost purple, really evident on the cork which had crystals developing.  The nose is quite soft, with balanced fruits and mellow tannins.  The finish was medium and pleasant.  It was an interesting blend of Barbera, zinfandel, merlot and syrah.